MCSLBA Major League Notice

Parents and Players:

It is with much disappointment that we notify you that MCSLBA won’t be able to provide baseball for the children and young adults in our community via our Major League Division (16-19yo) due to lack of overall registrations and interest.

For your information, we were only able to capture 11 total registrants which is obviously well under the count we need for an enjoyable baseball experience.  With almost 10k 16-19 year olds in or around our community we are very disappointed that we were unable to capture at least 50 of them.

We apologize for any inconveniences these changes cause, but with this information, we will continue to evaluate the product we provide and welcome your feedback on how and what we can do different and better in hopes of having the opportunity in the future to provide organized senior league baseball in our community.

Finally, please note that we will be sending out full refunds this week.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please email us at


The Officers of MCSLBA