Category Archives: Notice


Anyone who is interested in being an umpire this season should plan to attend any one of the four umpire meetings that will be taking place next month:

Sunday, March 6th at 6:00pm at Bryan Park Field 1
Monday, March 7th at 6:00pm at Bryan Park Field 1
Tuesday, March 8th at 6:00pm at Bryan Park Field 1
Thursday, March 10th at 6:00pm at Bryan Park Field 1

During these meeting our umpire-in-chief will be covering the basics of umpiring as well as the logistics of scheduling, pay, etc. Returning umpires please note that this year will be a little different so everyone (new and returning) need to attend to properly receive this new information for the 2016 season.

For more information you may contact Max at and/or visit our website at

League tournament schedule for the week of June 22

Here is the league tournament schedule for the week of June 22.

Monday, June 22…

Winslow Gold Field (Major Division)
5:30: Dr. Parmenter -vs- This Space Available
7:45: IN Realty -vs- Dick’s Sporting Goods

Winslow Blue Field (Minor Division)
5:30: Applebee’s -vs- Mathis
7:45: ISU / The May Agency -vs- Langley

Tuesday, June 23…

Winslow Gold Field (Major Division)
5:30: Winners from Monday
7:45: Losers from Monday

Winslow Blue Field (Minor Division)
5:30: Mondays 5:30 winner -vs- Main Street Sports
7:45: Mondays 7:45 winner -vs- Secretly Canadian

Wednesday, June 24…

Winslow Gold Field (Major Division)
5:30: Tuesday Loser at 5:30 -vs- Tuesday Winner at 7:45
7:45: Tuesday 5:30 Winner -vs- Wednesday 5:30 Winner

Winslow Blue Field (Minor Division)
6:00: Championship

Thursday, June 25…

Winslow Gold Field (Major Division)
6:00: If Necessary

League Tournament Schedule

Here is the league tournament schedule. The major division will play double elimination and the minor division will play single elimination.

Major Division – Gold Field
Monday, June 22
5:30: 3 seed -vs- 2 seed
7:45: 4 seed -vs- 1 seed

Tuesday, June 23
5:30: Winners from Monday
7:45: Losers from Monday

Wednesday, June 24
5:30: Tuesday Loser at 5:30 -vs- Tuesday Winner at 7:45
7:45: Tuesday 5:30 Winner -vs- Wednesday 5:30 Winner

Thursday, June 25
6:00: If Necessary
Minor Division – Blue Field
Monday, June 22
5:30: 6 seed -vs- 3 Seed
7:45: 5 seed -vs- 4 seed

Tuesday, June 23
5:30: Monday 5:30 winner -vs- 2 seed
7:45: Monday 7:45 winner -vs- 1 seed

Wednesday, June 24
6:00: Championship

MCSLBA Major League Player Evaluations

MCSLBA Major League (15-19 yr. old) players and parents:

A friendly reminder…

The MCSLBA Major League player evaluations will occur April 20th thru the 23rd on the Blue or Gold field at the Winslow Sports Complex. ALL PLAYERS must attend 1 of the 4 sessions, but may attend all 4 for additional practice/scrimmage time. Players should be dressed in baseball attire (i.e. cleats, pants, hat, etc.) and bring along their baseball gear (i.e. bats, helmets, glove, catchers gear, etc.) if in their possession.

Dates: April 20, 21, 22 and 23
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: April 20, 22 and 23 will be on the Gold Field at the Winslow Sports Complex (
Location: April 21 will be on the Blue Field at the Winslow Sports Complex

The Weather Hotline (812) 349-3610 option 2 should be used to determine if evaluations have been cancelled due to inclement weather or unplayable field conditions. Note: With inclement weather in the forecast, it is imperative that players attend the first available session so that we are guaranteed to be able to evaluate everyone.

Note: These are not tryouts as there are no cuts. All registrants will be placed on a team. These are simply player evaluations to offer the coaches and league a chance to review players and attempt to make equal teams across the league. These evaluations are meant to be low-key, non-stressful and encourage player participation.

If you have questions or comments, please email

MCSLBA Minor League (13-14 yr. old) Evaluations

MCSLBA Minor League (13-14 yr. old) players and parents:

The MCSLBA Minor league player evaluations will occur April 6th thru the 9th on the BLUE field at the Winslow Sports Complex.  ALL PLAYERS must attend 2 of the 4 sessions, but may attend all 4 for additional practice time.  Players should be dressed in baseball attire (i.e. cleats, pants, hat, etc.) and bring along their baseball gear (i.e. bats, helmets, glove, catchers gear, etc.) if in their possession.

Dates: April 6, 7, 8 and 9
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: Blue Field at the Winslow Sports Complex (

The Weather Hotline (812) 349-3610 option 2 should be used to determine if evaluations have been cancelled due to inclement weather or unplayable field conditions.  With that, we are asking that all players show up on Monday if at all possible based on the possibility of projected rain for the remainder of the week.

Note: These are not tryouts as there are no cuts.  All registrants will be placed on a team. These are simply player evaluations to offer the coaches and league a chance to review players and attempt to make equal teams across the league.  These evaluations are meant to be low-key, non-stressful and encourage player participation. If you have questions or comments, please email

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